Sacred Transfiguration Icon Title: The Transfiguration Artist Name: Theophanes the Cretan Genre: Byzantine Icon Date: 1546 AD Materials: Egg tempera...
Stavronikita Iconostasis Title: The Annunciation Artist Name: Theophanes the Cretan Genre: Byzantine Icon Date: 16th century AD Materials: Egg tempera...
Stavronikita Pantocrator Title: Christ Pantocrator Icon Artist Name: Theophanes the Cretan Genre: Byzantine Religious Icon Date: 1546 AD Materials: Egg...
Glykophilousa in Philotheu Title: The Sweet-Kissing Madonna (Glykophilousa) Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Byzantine Icon Date: 13th century AD...
Akotantos’s Pantocrator Title: Christ Pantocrator Icon Artist Name: Angelos Akotantos Genre: Byzantine Religious Icon Date: 15th century AD Materials: Egg...