SCULPTURERENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTAngelic Musicians Relief by Agostino di Duccio (1449-1456)Malatesta Chapel sculptures Title: Angelic Musicians Relief Artist Name: Agostino di Duccio Genre: Marble Relief Sculpture Date: 1449-1456 AD Materials:...
OIL PAINTINGSFINE ARTSRENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Circumcision of Christ by Livio Agresti (1558)The Circumcision by Agresti Title: The Circumcision of Christ Artist Name: Livio Agresti Genre: Religious Renaissance Art Date: 1558 AD...
SCULPTURERENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Planetary Chapel Relief by Agostino di Duccio (1449-1456)Planetary Chapel Rimini Title: Planetary Chapel Relief Artist Name: Agostino di Duccio Genre: Marble Relief Sculpture Date: 1449-1456 AD Materials:...
RENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTCERAMICSFINE ARTSWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Flood: Masséot Abaquesne’s Biblical Ceramic MasterpieceTitle: The Flood (Le Déluge) Artist Name: Masséot Abaquesne Genre: Religious Ceramic Mural Date: c. 1550 Dimensions: Approximately 2.5 x...
FINE ARTSMEDIEVAL ARTOIL PAINTINGSRENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTChrist and the Adulteress: Aertsen’s Market Vision (1557)Title: Christ and the Adulteress Artist Name: Pieter Aertsen Genre: Religious painting with market scene Date: 1557-1558 Dimensions: 122 x...
FINE ARTSMODERN & CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN ARTOIL PAINTINGSWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Ninth Wave by Ivan Aivazovsky (1850)The Ninth Wave by Aivazovsky Title: The Ninth Wave Artist Name: Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky Genre: Marine Art/Romantic Seascape Date: 1850...
FINE ARTSMODERN & CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Baptism of Jesus Christ by Jerzy Nowosielski (1964)Nowosielski Baptism 1964 Title: The Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River Artist Name: Jerzy Nowosielski Genre: Religious Modern...
SCULPTURERENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTPlanetary Allegory by Agostino di Duccio in the Tempio Malatestiano (1449-1456)Malatesta Chapel Planets Title: Planetary Allegory Relief Artist Name: Agostino di Duccio Genre: Renaissance Marble Relief Date: 1449-1456 AD Materials:...
FINE ARTSENGRAVINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, ETCHINGS, AND MOREMODERN & CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTStrong Wind by Ivan Aivazovsky (1856)Strong Wind by Aivazovsky Title: A Strong Wind Artist Name: Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky Genre: Marine Art, Romantic Seascape Date: 1856...
SCULPTURERENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Angelic Figure by Agostino di Duccio, San Domenico Dossal Relief (1459)Duccio Stone Dossal Title: Angelic Figure Relief Artist Name: Agostino di Duccio Genre: High Renaissance Architectural Sculpture Date: 1459 AD...
SCULPTURERENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTDancing Putti in the Cappella dei Giochi Infantili by Agostino di Duccio (1449-1456)Malatestiano Chapel Sculptures Title: Dancing Putti Relief Artist Name: Agostino di Duccio Genre: Marble Relief Sculpture Date: 1449-1456 AD Materials:...
SCULPTUREMEDIEVAL ARTRENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTSaint Bridget’s Divine Vision by Agostino d’Antonio di Duccio (1459)Saint Bridget Vision Title: Saint Bridget of Sweden Receiving the Rule of Her Order Artist: Agostino d’Antonio di Duccio Genre:...