ICONSEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTSLAVIC BYZANTINE ARTThe Baptism of Christ by Andrei Rublev (1405)Rublev Baptism Title: The Baptism of Christ Artist Name: Andrei Rublev Genre: Religious Icon Painting Date: 1405 Dimensions: Unknown Materials:...
EARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTBYZANTINE ARTICONSMEDIEVAL ARTThe Baptism of Christ by Theophanes the Cretan (16th century AD)Theophanes Christ Baptism Title: The Baptism of Christ (ฮ ฮฮฌฯฯฮนฯฮนฯ) Artist Name: Theophanes the Cretan Genre: Byzantine Icon Date: 16th...
MOSAICSBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTThe Baptism of Christ Mosaic in the Arian Baptistery of Ravenna (493-526 CE)Ravenna Arian Baptistery Title: The Baptism of Christ Artist Name: Unknown master mosaicist Genre: Early Christian mosaic Date: Late 5th...
ICONSEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTSLAVIC BYZANTINE ARTThe Baptism of Christ: A 15th Century Novgorod IconNovgorod Baptism Icon Title: The Baptism of Christ (Theophany) Artist Name: Unknown Master of the Novgorod School Genre: Religious Orthodox...
MOSAICSBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTThe Baptism of Christ: Neonian Baptistery Mosaic in Ravenna (5th century)Orthodox Baptism Mosaic Title: The Baptism of Christ Artist: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Early Christian Mosaic Art Date: 5th century...
FINE ARTSMODERN & CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Baptism of Jesus Christ by Jerzy Nowosielski (1964)Nowosielski Baptism 1964 Title: The Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River Artist Name: Jerzy Nowosielski Genre: Religious Modern...
BYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTICONSThe Call of the Apostles Andrew and Peter by Ioannis Kornaros (1792)Kornaros – Apostles painting Title: The Call of the Apostles Andrew and Peter Artist Name: Ioannis Kornaros the Cretan Genre:...
OIL PAINTINGSFINE ARTSRENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Circumcision of Christ by Livio Agresti (1558)The Circumcision by Agresti Title: The Circumcision of Christ Artist Name: Livio Agresti Genre: Religious Renaissance Art Date: 1558 AD...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTThe Communion of the Apostles, Fresco from Saint Sophia Church in Ohrid (11th century AD)Apostles Communion scene Title: The Communion of the Apostles Artist Name: Unknown Master of Ohrid Genre: Byzantine Fresco Date: First...
EARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTBYZANTINE ARTICONSMEDIEVAL ARTThe Crucifixion by Theophanes the Cretan (16th century AD)Crucifixion icon by Theophanes Title: The Crucifixion Artist Name: Theophanes the Cretan (Theophanes Strelitzas) Genre: Religious Orthodox Icon Date: 16th...
EARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTBYZANTINE ARTICONSMEDIEVAL ARTThe Crucifixion Icon with Saints from Mount Sinai (12th century AD)Crucifixion with Saints at Sinai Title: The Crucifixion with Saints Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Religious Icon Date: Second...
EARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTBYZANTINE ARTICONSMEDIEVAL ARTThe Deesis Icon from Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Mount Sinai (Second Half of 11th Century AD)Sinai Deesis icon Title: The Deesis with Saints John the Merciful and John Climacus Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre:...