OIL PAINTINGSFINE ARTSRENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Circumcision of Christ by Livio Agresti (1558)The Circumcision by Agresti Title: The Circumcision of Christ Artist Name: Livio Agresti Genre: Religious Renaissance Art Date: 1558 AD...
MEDIEVAL ARTFINE ARTSOIL PAINTINGSRENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Nativity by Pietro Paolo Agabiti (1534)Title: The Nativity Artist Name: Pietro Paolo Agabiti Genre: Religious Art / Christian Iconography Date: 1534 Dimensions: 215 x 124...
FINE ARTSMODERN & CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN ARTOIL PAINTINGSWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTThe Ninth Wave by Ivan Aivazovsky (1850)The Ninth Wave by Aivazovsky Title: The Ninth Wave Artist Name: Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky Genre: Marine Art/Romantic Seascape Date: 1850...
OIL PAINTINGSFINE ARTSRENAISSANCE & MANNERIST ARTWESTERN CHRISTIAN ARTVirgin and Child with Musical Angels by Livio Agresti (1550-1555)Virgin and Child by Agresti Title: Virgin and Child with Musical Angels and Saint John the Baptist Artist Name: Livio...