FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTSaint Cosmas in Protaton by Manuel Panselinos (14th century AD)Saint Cosmas in Protaton Title: Saint Cosmas in Protaton Artist Name: Manuel Panselinos (attributed) Genre: Byzantine Fresco Date: 14th century...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTProphet Elias Byzantine Fresco by Manuel Panselinos (14th century AD)Prophet Elias by Panselinos Title: Prophet Elias Artist Name: Manuel Panselinos Genre: Byzantine Wall Painting Fresco Date: 14th century AD...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTSaint Pantaleon (Panteleimon) Fresco from Church of Saint Pantaleon at Nerezi (1164 AD)Saint Pantaleon at Nerezi Title: Saint Pantaleon (Panteleimon) Fresco Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Byzantine Wall Painting Date: 1164...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTThe Divine Liturgy: Fresco from Saint Sophia Cathedral in Ohrid (11th century AD)Divine Liturgy in Saint Sophia Ohrid Title: The Divine Liturgy Artist Name: Unknown Master Fresco Painter Genre: Byzantine Church Fresco...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTThe Communion of the Apostles, Fresco from Saint Sophia Church in Ohrid (11th century AD)Apostles Communion scene Title: The Communion of the Apostles Artist Name: Unknown Master of Ohrid Genre: Byzantine Fresco Date: First...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTThe Anastasis Fresco at Chora Church (early 14th century AD)Descent into Hades fresco in Chora Mosque Title: The Anastasis (Descent into Hades) Artist Name: Unknown master craftsman Genre: Byzantine...
MEDIEVAL ARTBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTFRESCOESIcon of Saint Nicholas from Hilandar Monastery (14th century AD)Hilandar Saint Nicholas Title: Icon of Saint Nicholas Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Byzantine Religious Icon Date: 14th century...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTThe Lamentation of Christ by Theophanes the Greek (c. 1380-1405 AD)The Lamentation of Christ Title: The Lamentation (Epitaphios Threnos) Artist Name: Theophanes the Greek Genre: Byzantine Fresco Date: c. 1380-1405...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTSaints Peter and Paul Wall Painting – Dionysiou Monastery, Mount Athos (16th century AD)Saints Peter and Paul Wall Painting – Dionysiou Monastery Title: Saints Peter and Paul Wall Painting Artist Name: Unknown Athonite...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTSaint Demetrios Fresco from Kellia Church (13th century AD)Larnaca fresco of St Demetrios Title: Saint Demetrios Fresco Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Wall Painting/Religious Art Date: 13th...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTThe Virgin of the Burning Bush: Sinai Fresco (15th century AD)Sinai Burning Bush Title: The Virgin of the Burning Bush Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Byzantine Fresco Date: Second...
FRESCOESBYZANTINE ARTEARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ARTMEDIEVAL ARTChrist Teaching His Disciples – Vatopedi Monastery Fresco (1312 AD)Vatopedi Monastery fresco Title: Christ Teaching His Disciples Artist Name: Unknown Byzantine Master Genre: Byzantine Monumental Painting Date: 1312 AD...